CUPE 955 Spring General Meeting
NSSBCU Press Release

NSSBCU Bargaining Update

Tentative Agreement Reached

Post Rally Gathering
Rally at the Port Hastings Rotary, April 15, 2023
Sign Prep for Rally at the Rotary
Rally at the Rotary **Updated**
CUPE Rally Port Hastings Rotary
CUPE School Support Workers Call for a Living Wage
Share a Selfie and Your Story
Join our week of action and share a selfie and your story! Low wages hurt everyone! Whether you’re a parent or a member, tell us how low wages are affecting you at school or at home to help people understand how important our jobs are!
CUPE School Support Staff Could Strike Soon
Although our Local 955 is not in a legal strike position yet we are sending our support and encouragement to our fellow CUPE members across the province who may strike soon.
Online Letter
This is a quick and easy online letter for anyone and everyone to fill out in support of our CUPE support staff. Please fill this out, if you haven’t already, and share with at least 3 your friends and family. This will reach all local MLAs and send a message to government.
Pink Wednesdays
Important Information
CUPE 955 members please check your personal email for important information.
If you have not given me your email, please email
Picket Captains
Bargaining Update
After ten days of bargaining with the Government of Nova Scotia over eleven months, we have not been able to reach an agreement that secures significant wage increases for our members.
We’ve filed for conciliation in the hope that a third party can help refocus the government and education bosses on getting a fair collective agreement done. Rick Rose, who has worked with CUPE members before, has been appointed as our conciliator. We will notify you when dates for conciliation are finalized.
In the meantime, we need to increase pressure on the government by telling our stories to the community. That’s why we are holding an Education Worker Day of Action on February 28th. Education workers across the province will wear pink armbands to show government and the public that we will not accept the disrespect we’ve been shown any longer. This province-wide coordinated action will help us get media attention, where we can make sure our message reaches an even wider audience.
Make sure you’re following Local 955 and the NSSBCU on social media so you can share our stories with your community.
Local 955 Facebook:
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Local 955 Twitter:
Local 955 Website:
NSSBCU Facebook:
NSSBCU Instagram: NSSBCU Twitter: |
In Solidarity,
Gerrard Matthews
Local 955