NSSBCU Collective Agreement Update

August 1, 2023
Collective Agreement Update from the Nova Scotia School Board Council of Unions
We hope, despite the record-breaking heat and rain fall, that everyone is safe and enjoying their summer. As we reach the midpoint of the summer, your bargaining team wanted to provide an update.
Currently, we are working to prepare the now ratified collective agreement for signing by all the locals and the Employer. Once this takes place, the new collective agreement will officially come into effect, covering April 1st, 2021-March 31st, 2024, except for Local 5047, which covers August 1st, 2020-March 31, 2024.
In anticipation of the signing, the process of harmonization across the province has already begun, but it is still in the early stages. Once completed, all school support workers in the same classifications within the NSSBCU, regardless of where they live or the school they work for, will be paid the same.
Once the collective agreement is signed, the process of distributing retro pay will begin. The Employer will have applied to the treasury for the funding, so this cannot happen before the collective agreement is signed. You will receive another update once we have more information regarding timelines of payment.
Your bargaining team is working tirelessly to complete this process and we appreciate your continued support and patience.
If you have any questions, please contact your local president for more information.
Gerard Matthews
Strait Regional Centre for Education,
CUPE 955

The Easter Bunny is ready to hop on the picket line in support of our CUPE members.

Picket Captains

We are looking for volunteers to be Picket Captains in the event that we end up going on strike at some point. We need 2 people per worksite. Training will be provided once we have our group.
Please email me at cupe955secretary@gmail.com with your name, and school/worksite

From cupe.nssbcu:
The Legislature is back in session and we’re taking to the People’s House to tell Premier Houston that we need a fair deal now! Join us in person if you can, or wear pink alongside CUPE School Support staff at work or school on Wednesday, March 22nd to show your support! #nspoli

Bargaining Update

After ten days of bargaining with the Government of Nova Scotia over eleven months, we have not been able to reach an agreement that secures significant wage increases for our members.

We’ve filed for conciliation in the hope that a third party can help refocus the government and education bosses on getting a fair collective agreement done. Rick Rose, who has worked with CUPE members before, has been appointed as our conciliator. We will notify you when dates for conciliation are finalized.

In the meantime, we need to increase pressure on the government by telling our stories to the community. That’s why we are holding an Education Worker Day of Action on February 28th. Education workers across the province will wear pink armbands to show government and the public that we will not accept the disrespect we’ve been shown any longer. This province-wide coordinated action will help us get media attention, where we can make sure our message reaches an even wider audience.

Make sure you’re following Local 955 and the NSSBCU on social media so you can share our stories with your community.

Local 955 Facebook:  https://tinyurl.com/CUPE-Local-955

Local 955 Instagram: https://tinyurl.com/CUPE-955

Local 955 Twitter: https://twitter.com/CUPE955

Local 955 Website: http://955.cupe.ca/

NSSBCU Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cupe.nssbcu

NSSBCU Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cupe.nssbcu/

NSSBCU Twitter: https://twitter.com/CUPE_NSSBCU

In Solidarity,

Gerrard Matthews
Local 955